Carson City
Business License Information
Carson City Business License Division
108 E. Proctor Street Carson City, Nevada 89701
(775) 887-2105
Hearing Impaired: 711
A business license is required in Carson City if:
- The business is located within Carson City, Nevada.
- Any business activity will be physically conducted within Carson City.
State Business License
Prior to applying for a business license, applicants must first obtain a State Business License:
State Business Registration Office of the Secretary of State
401 N. Carson St.
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 684-5708
The following attached forms need to be completed to submit your application:
- D-25 Form (Industrial Insurance Compliance/Workers Comp): Required form for all business license submissions
- Carson City Sheriff’s Responsible Party Information: Required form for Carson City Commercial Locations
- Fictitious Firm Name (If applicable) Required form for every person doing business under an assumed or fictitious name that is different from the legal name of each person who owns an interest in the business.
- Carson City Provisions Regulating Home Occupations: Required form for Carson City Home Based Business
- Business Information Form for the Assessor’s Office: Required form for a Carson City Location
- Provide a Copy of State of Nevada Specialty License (If applicable): Required form for businesses that require state licensing board approvals examples: Real Estate License, Contractor’s License, Cosmetology License, etc.
Application Submittal
Completed applications may be emailed to Once the application has been reviewed, an invoice will be generated then emailed to the applicant.
The approval process may take approximately 14-21 business days assuming all the information necessary for processing is provided to our office by the applicant at time of submittal. If additional inspections are required for your business, the process may be longer.
Fee Information can be found at CCMC 4.04.020.